Book Review: The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall

Last year I bought a book on Kindle because the title intrigued me. I forgot about the book and a couple of months ago I listened to a podcast that was discussing the book. The podcast interviewed Dr. Bruce McRae who translated the original work from 1692 into modern English. The book is called "The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification" by Walter Marshall. Marshall was an English non-conformist Puritan Pastor who lived from 1628-1680. If you have ever read the Puritans, you will understand why this work was translated into modern English! Professor John Murray said the book was "the most important book on sanctification ever written." Bruce McRae introduced the book by talking about the importance of sanctification. He defined sanctification as "the lifelong process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ." He said that there is confusion over sanctification when these questions are asked, “How Christians become holy? Where does the power for godly living come from?” He...
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A Pandemic and a Podcast

The idea of starting a podcast was an idea that came up a few years ago among some of us at my church. There was always a lot going and starting a podcast seemed too much. Then the pandemic struck last year, and the idea of a podcast came back to our minds. My friend Rev. Dr. Jason Matossian (he does not like titles, hence the reason I use them) decided it was time to give it a try. Jason chose the name, I chose the tech. We chose a simple setup using Zoom to record and a couple of cheap mics. We published our first episode on June 15, 2020. It has been a little over a year and we have recorded over 50 episodes. There are many things I have learned; one is I realized how self-conscious talking into a mic makes me feel. I have done a fair amount of public speaking and do not have a fear...
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