The Strangest Question I’ve Been Asked

The Strangest Question I’ve Been Asked

Have you ever been asked a question that left you puzzled? I had that experience today when I went to give blood. The American Red Cross has been modifying the questions it asks donors, becoming more gender-neutral. Their website states, "Under the FDA’s individual donor assessment eligibility criteria, the donor history questionnaire is gender-neutral and all donors will answer the same questions regardless of gender or sexual orientation." In the past, there were questions specific to women, but now men are required to answer them. There are two questions regarding pregnancy, "Are you pregnant now?" and "Have you ever been pregnant." The choices are "Yes, No, or Skip." I quickly answered the questions, so I checked "no" to the first one, but then on the second, I checked "Skip." In the past, they would make clear that some questions are for females, but now all questions are required without any distinction. The only logical and rational response to the question is...
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Giving Tuesday: What Inspires Us to Give Back

Giving Tuesday: What Inspires Us to Give Back

November is a busy month of celebrations in America: Thanksgiving (eating), Black Friday & and Small Business Saturday (spending), and Giving Tuesday (donating). Donating in November has been associated with the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, called "Giving Tuesday." It started in 2012 and was founded by the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. The day was created as a global generosity movement to encourage and celebrate charitable giving and philanthropy. Since its inception, it has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, inspiring acts of kindness and charitable donations across various countries and causes. Americans gave almost $500 billion to charities in 2022 ($3.1 billion was donated on Giving Tuesday). Why do people give to charity, especially on Giving Tuesday? What inspires people to give? I asked my friend (ChatGPT) why it thinks people should give during Giving Tuesday. The response was: Participating in Giving Tuesday can offer several benefits and reasons to get involved: Supporting Causes: It...
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Book Review: Serving without Sinking by John Hindley

Book Review: Serving without Sinking by John Hindley

There are some books that I wish I had come across sooner in my life. A friend recommended the book “Serving without Sinking” by John Hindley. I had not heard of this book, which was written in 2013, but the subtitle captured my attention, “How to Serve Christ and Keep Your Joy.” I immediately connected with the author. He admitted that, at times, he had lost his joy. Serving Jesus was now something he resented and a duty to fulfill. The busyness of life had sucked out the joy. The current season of life has challenged my joy, so this book came at the right time. The central theme of Hindley’s book is that Jesus did not come to be served by us but came to serve us. We read in Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” He said, “The...
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