Book Review: The Heart of Anger by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley

Book Review: The Heart of Anger by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley

I have a confession; I did not want to read another book on anger. I bought the book "The Heart of Anger: How the Bible Transforms Anger in Our Understanding and Experience" by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley on Kindle and hesitated to read it. My resistance was that I had read many books on anger and thought, how can another book help me? Eventually, I decided it was time to start reading this book, and I was pleasantly surprised (and humbled) at how much I had to learn about anger. The book is broken up into four parts. First, the authors look at the biblical portraits of human anger. Second, they look at the characteristic of God's anger, and thirdly, they talk about how to defuse human anger. Lastly, they address finding joy in the peace of Christ. If you have read a biblical counseling book, you will recognize the focus of this book on the heart. The heart represents...
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Books, Books, and More Books

Books, Books, and More Books

There are endless books that I want to read, but limited time each day. Often, I want to escape the rat race of life to sit for an extended period of time, getting lost in a book. In the meantime, I find that I need to use the margins of time to get some reading done. There is an interesting verse in the Bible regarding books. Ecclesiastes 12:12  "My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh." Solomon, who penned these words, was an interesting character. He was known as the wisest man ever to live, yet, even with all that wisdom, he pursued the desires of his flesh and married many wives along with a harem of concubines. Wisdom and foolishness can exist alongside each other in the same person. Regardless, Solomon wrote these words at the end of the book of Ecclesiastes, one...
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