Where is your hope?

The events over the past year have changed lives around the world. A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) began in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread across multiple countries. At the time of this writing, there have been over 29 million cases in the United States with over 500,000 deaths. Worldwide the number of cases is over 120 million and over 2.5 million deaths. There have also been many people who have recovered from COVID, over 22 million in the United States, and 96 million worldwide. We interpret numbers and they can tell different stories. Often in the United States, the number that is most emphasized is the number of new cases and deaths, rarely do you hear about the number who have recovered. This also leads to how we react to the news since there is a constant minute-by-minute news cycle about the Coronavirus. News, social media, and even elementary school children are talking about the coronavirus. The coronavirus...
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Why this blog?

Blogs, blogs, and blogs. I read blogs daily on a variety of different topics: news, technology, investing, frugality, counseling, and Christian theology. There is no shortage of blogs out there and I debated in my mind whether I should start one.   Why am I starting a blog? I enjoy reading but I find that writing is difficult. My brain hurts as I try to find the right words to express my thoughts clearly. I also find that writing is enjoyable as I see words coming alive and my thoughts make more sense (you can be the judge of that). I also want to become a better writer and I know that only comes by writing.  Why now? A colleague of mine Lisa LaGeorge encouraged me to start a blog after I finished a doctoral program in biblical counseling. I hope that writing will help continue the momentum of always learning, growing, and changing. I also want to be a good steward of...
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