Huckleberries and Bears

Huckleberries and Bears

My brother and I went on our annual hiking trip the last few days. We decided to visit Glacier National Park in Montana. We arrived at different times, so we both had some time for solo hikes and hikes we enjoyed together. A couple of things that made hiking in Glacier different from hiking in Southern California are Huckleberries and Bears. What is a huckleberry? The first time I saw it, I thought it looked like a blueberry. These small dark purple berries were on many of the trails that I hiked. I saw moose and deer grazing on them. I tried it myself right off the plant and could understand why the animals liked their sweet taste. I later learned that these berries were native to this area and other areas in the Pacific Northwest. They put these berries in everything, from chocolate to jam. There is always something new to learn and experience. Another fun aspect of this trip was...
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Hiking and God’s Glory

Hiking and God’s Glory

Yesterday, I completed another hike on my bucket list, Mt. San Jacinto. The peak is 10,834 ft above sea level and is the second-highest mountain range in Southern California. From the top, you can see the highest peak in Southern California, Mt. San Gorgonio, along with another famous peak, Mt. Baldy.  You can hike this mountain from a handful of different trails. One of the more popular starting points is from the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. The tramway takes you from 2,643 to 8,516 ft, a gain of almost 6,000 ft of elevation in ten minutes. The hike from the tramway is then 11 miles, with an elevation gain of approximately 2,300 ft. I hiked this peak alone, although I am never alone (Psalm 139:9-10). Two thoughts came to my mind during this hike. My brain has too many tabs open The wilderness is good for the soul. It allows me time to think without the daily distractions of life, closing the tabs...
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3-2-1 Refreshment for the Soul

3-2-1 Refreshment for the Soul

The stress, busyness, and cares of this world can be overwhelming. There are human limitations that I try to defy, like not getting enough sleep and constantly working. Yet God always reminds me that my body needs rest and refreshment to function the way it was designed. I often know when I am at the point of needing some extended time to refresh when I notice what is coming out of my heart, such as irritation at the slightest thing. Recently I was beyond the point of needing a break, so I decided to take a day off work to do what helps me reset, hiking. I love to hike, and I hope to inspire you to explore the great outdoors as I share my adventures. I usually hike from April-October, taking a break during the cooler months. However, we had some unusual weather in Southern California this February, with temperatures in the 80's for a short period. The hot weather...
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The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go – Part 2

The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go – Part 2

"The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go" John Muir  My last post had a summary of my past three years of hiking with my brother. I am going to share to a couple of thoughts that came to mind during this last trip. One of the trails that we were on is called the New Army pass. The trail is 15 miles long and passes by five different lakes. The trail begins in the forest, then passes by lakes, and eventually ends at the top of a mountain pass. Right before you ascend the mountain peak you walk through a valley with mountains on both sides. From a distance, you cannot tell if there is a path through the mountains, or if it continues over the mountain. As we got closer, I told my brother, I think we are going over the mountain. A small pathway appeared which we climbed to the top, which stands at 12,400 ft. The ascension up...
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The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go – Part 1

The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go – Part 1

"The Mountains are Calling and I Must Go" John Muir For the past three years, my brother and I have gone on an annual hiking trip. The first year (2019) we explored peaks in Southern California. My brother had planned out two days of hiking. He chose Mt. San Gorgonio for the first hike, which is the highest peak in Southern California. This was my first intense hike: 19.3 miles, 5,500 elevation gain, ending at 11,503 ft. This was a hard climb and I got altitude sickness on the way up. No one that I know enjoys vomiting, but it is even worse on top of a mountain! I eventually pushed through it, made it to the top, and survived the walk down. This was a fun hike through the San Bernadino National Forest with different scenery along the way. Toward the end of the hike, you walk on the side of the mountain passing the tree line. The end is grueling,...
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The Sound of Solitude

Mount Baldy (elevation 10,064 ft) “All our miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone [with God].” Blaise Pascal It is hard to escape the noise of everyday life. In Los Angeles, you cannot escape the morning traffic or the evening police car chase. There are the routine sounds we hear: working in a busy office, talking with coworkers and friends, listening to music or a favorite podcast, sitting in a coffee shop, eating dinner with friends, or watching the latest series on Netflix. There are the constant sounds we hear: text messages, emails, tweets, calendar reminders, to-do list alerts, breaking news, and spam phone calls. There are also the sounds of our busy hearts: our anxious thoughts, and our endless desires. All these sounds often turn into noise that is hard to escape. I often long to be in solitude to escape the noise of normal everyday life, so that I can think and refocus. I...
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